Use this website to find out more about ReproFest 2022. Click underlined items for full details.

Important information about ReproFest 2022!
If you are a person with lived experience, an activist, a professional who these topics relate to, whoever you are EVERYBODY IS WELCOME.
With this event we aim to expand the current conversation about reproductive justice, rights and health and encourage wider perspectives than those included in the programme.
Tickets and access are FREE
Come for the whole day or drop in any time.
Need support to pay for travel to help you attend? Email:
Children are welcome.
No pressure to take part - feel free to sit back and listen.
Some of the discussions will be sensitive. We will give you as much information as possible and links to support services will be made available.
We will continue to be careful in relation to Covid-19 in all the spaces at the event and invite attendees to wear a mask.
Programme still in development - check back for additions and timings.
A Kick in the Belly: How enslaved Black Women used their reproductive agency to fight back
Stella Dadzie is a founder member of OWAAD (Organisation of Women of African and Asian Descent) and award winning author.
Pregnancy and birth in prison: considering women’s rights to equivalence of healthcare
Kirsty Kitchen is the Head of Policy and Communications at Birth Companions
Eugenics and the hidden history of forcible birth control by Britain's welfare state.
Michael Lambert is a researcher in Social Inequalities at Lancaster University.

A trauma informed approach to supporting reproductive decision making.
Hannah is Head of Women's Centres and Safeguarding at Women in Prison.

Long acting reversible contraception (LARC) and rights - a global issue
Vicky is a lecturer and researcher in Global Public Health

Big Fat Positive - How to stay joyful in a maternity system obsessed that you're doomed to fail...
Amber Marshall, founder of
Fat Bodies and Fertility: Identifying the issues that inhibit access to IVF in the UK for people with a high BMI
Manna Mostaghim is a researcher who examines the socio-political conditions that culminate in the provision of unequal healthcare for minorities
Mothering in a hostile environment: insecure immigration status and 'no recourse to public funds'
Rachel and Champagne are part of a research project that explored the impact of restrictive immigration and citizenship policy on racially minoritised mothers in a London neighbourhood.

Food Insecurity: A Pressing Matter of Reproductive Justice
Jasmine is a researcher involved with the Food Security for Equitable Futures project.

Reproductive Coercion Scale Adaption and Re-validation- A study of people with a womb in the UK
Ngosa is a PhD student and Amanda is a lecturer in Psychology

Take Part
Use arrows to the side of the box below to scroll from morning to afternoon sessions
Films and Food
A range of other things will be on offer throughout the day too. Check back soon for updates as we add more....

Film screening 10.30am
The 8th - 1hour 34 mins
This film tells the story of the fight to overturn one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world in Ireland.
Food - hot buffet lunch and sandwiches served from 12.30.
Tea, coffee and snacks available all day in the Annex room (downstairs).
Who are we?
The event is being hosted by ReproNorth and friends. ReproNorth is a collective based at Lancaster University (shortly to expand!). The friends are from other related projects and organisations and action. The events are being supported by funding from the Economic and Social Research Council and the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness
GHS Enterprise Centre, Preston - 29th April 2022
For more information about how to get to the venue and access....
Please visit the venue website here:
South Meadow Lane, Preston, PR1 8JN